Manufacturer of high performance insulating glazing units. Glazing glass factory independent in "Lorraine" since 1962, located in the North-East of France.

We implement the best of glass products by combining know-how and high technologies.

- Preserve the environment by contributing to energy savings (double and triple glazing)
- Create well-being, thanks to thermal, acoustic and visual comfort.
- Sublimate your interiors, bring clarity, color in our spaces.
- Strengthen the security of goods and people.
- Participate in architectural innovation and heritage preservation.


Since May 2019, we have been realizing our project: the automation of all phases of the production of insulating glass units.

From the unloading of the glass trucks, to the storage (100 references), the cutting of the glass thanks to lines of last generations, until the final assembly in double and triple glazings.

The Newspaper "Républicain Lorrain" has devoted a broad report to this investment which opens up future prospects. Check out this article entitled "Au cœur des performances de la vitrerie Deschanet". (French)


Un projet soutenu par l'UE et la région Grand Est


About ten French and European professional magazines, dedicated to architecture or to our profession, devoted articles to our company. Consult two of these publications in full version.

/ Read the VMA article (French)

/ Read the Architektur Zeitung article (German)


Discover our work the "jardin Botanique Vinpearl" in Vietnam

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Read the article in Verre & Protections Mag +


Discover our work on the zoo of Vincennes, in Paris

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Our Super product : the Super Spacer !

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  • vitrages isolants des serres du jardin Botanique Vinpearl au Vietnam
  • vitrages isolants des serres du jardin Botanique Vinpearl au Vietnam
  • vitrages isolants des serres du jardin Botanique Vinpearl au Vietnam
  • vitrages isolants des serres du jardin Botanique Vinpearl au Vietnam
  • vitrages isolants des serres du jardin Botanique Vinpearl au Vietnam
SA Michel Deschanet au capital de 350 000 euros - Zac d’Augny 57685 AUGNY - tél. +33 (0)3 87 38 33 33 - Climalit Partners - mentions légales