Our philosophy
Our history
know how
Nos produits

- High-performance insulating glass, reinforced thermal
glass, solar glass
- Insulating glass with built-in blinds
- Insulating stained-glass windows
- VEC (glass fabrication and setting)
- Acoustic glass
- Security glass, lamiated and resistant to breakage
- Reinforced shaped glass
- Fire and bullet resistant glass
- Anti-grafiti glass
- A full range of laminated glass in all thicknesses
and colours
- Glass for renovation of antique windows
- Self-cleaning, extra clear, anti-reflective glass
- Decorative, coloured, reflective, engraved, sanded,
etched glass
- Bevelled, chamfered, polished and shaped glass
and mirrors
- Coloured lacquered glass
- Glass floor tiles
- Glass stair treads
- Security
- Coloured, safety and luminous mirrors
- Glass doors (clear, safety, standard and custom)
- Glass inserts for chimneys
- Thin anti-reflective glass for picture framing

Glassworking accessories

- Metal pieces and fixings
- UV coating
- Glass wares
(glass cups, stoppers, wedges, adhesive mirrors...)

>Warm Edge

Insulating glass Warm Edge Haute performance

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Nos nouveautés

(7 shades stocked, 4mm thick)

It is useful for renovating walls, furniture, doors...

It sticks more easily than wallpaper or tiles !

Sold in sheets 3.21m x 2.55m
or cut to order

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Nos nouveautés
Nos nouveautés
SA Michel Deschanet with a capital of 350 000 euros - Zac d’Augny 57685 AUGNY - phone. +33 (0)3 87 38 33 33 - Climalit Partners - Credits